
Results for : International

Desperate Love (South Africa)

Desperate Love (South Africa)

A divorced man Thami Kagiso Modupe is down out of luck and denied access to his daughter Lerato Tshimillo Modupe. Frustrated he decides to take matters into his own hands and kidnap her from school.

I Married My Mother (Italy)

I Married My Mother (Italy)

Saverio discovers that his beloved mother, Rosa, is suffering from Alzheimers syndrome. Disturbed by this, he decides to take her to his home, but because of family problems that arise, soon he is forced to take her to an assisted health residence.

Frankenstein (Greece)

Frankenstein (Greece)

When a mysterious theater troupe comes to town to perform Frankenstein, a young reporter investigates in an attempt to separate fact from fiction.

Million Dollar Nomad (Pakistan)

Million Dollar Nomad (Pakistan)

Million Dollar Nomad is the journey of a mountain Shepherd, lookalike of an internationally famous film star based in Europe. The sudden death of that film star sets the wheel in motion, seeing the shepherd travelling to Europe to complete the Hollywood film stars unfinished film.

One Last Game (Germany)

One Last Game (Germany)

A man sits at a poker table and knows he must face his past. All he wanted was to pay back his debt, and he thought one last game would change his fortune.

Red Call (United Kingdom)

Red Call (United Kingdom)

Following a Christmas Eve Islamist bombing in central London, a Samaritan volunteer is interviewed by Counter Terrorist police. She took a call from one of the terrorists minutes before the tragedy.

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