
Results for : Egypt

Cleopatra: Her Real Story

Cleopatra: Her Real Story

Coming from a tenacious Greek-Macedonian family, she fought and killed for her place on the throne; a noble attempt to save a failing Egypt. Her story has been warped so much, from biased opinions to praise, but who was she really?

Alexander The Great Pharaoh

Alexander The Great Pharaoh

Alexander the Great is known the world over. His military achievements are the stuff of legend, however, the man did not want to only be considered as a man...

Egyptian Secrets At The Vatican

Egyptian Secrets At The Vatican

Take a closer look at the Egyptian treasures collected by the Catholic Church and Popes at the Vatican.

Egypts Stolen Treasures

Egypts Stolen Treasures

From the famous Nefertiti to Queen Tiye, the glory of ancient Egypt has been scattered across the world.

Egyptian Secrets At The Monastery

Egyptian Secrets At The Monastery

Curtis is staying in Florence, Italy, and he learned that San Francescos monastery was nearby. In the monastery, youll see how Egypt still had a relationship with Europe in the time of the Crusades.

Egypt And Nubia Sailing Lake Nasser

Egypt And Nubia Sailing Lake Nasser

Sail down the length of Lake Nasser, exploring every site along the way on this forgotten area of the Nile in Egypt.

Forgotten Treasures of Egypt

Forgotten Treasures of Egypt

The forgotten treasures of Egypt in the center of Italy illustrate the stories of the men who discovered Tutankhamun, and the stories of antiquity.

Nefertiti: Where Is Her Mummy

Nefertiti: Where Is Her Mummy

New evidence on the mummy of Queen Nefertiti!

Egyptian Secrets At Pompeii

Egyptian Secrets At Pompeii

Discover the history and treasures of ancient Egyptians who lived in Pompeii in the shadow of mount Vesuvius.

Nefertari: The Life Of An Egyptian Queen

Nefertari: The Life Of An Egyptian Queen

One of Ancient Egypts most renowned royal women, but is almost unknown by non-egyptologists. She was known as the most beautiful, and intelligent queens in the ancient world.

Ancient Oasis Of The Oracle

Ancient Oasis Of The Oracle

The isolated oasis of Siwa, thirty miles east of the Libyan border in Egypts Western Desert, has been featured throughout history as a site of desire and contest.

Forgotten Southern Egypt

Forgotten Southern Egypt

Discover the places many tourists do not visit... We all know Egypts most famous attractions, pyramids, valley of the kings etc. Set sail on a once in a lifetime journey southwards on Lake Nasser.

The Daughters of Nefertiti And The Sisters Of Tutankhamun

The Daughters of Nefertiti And The Sisters Of Tutankhamun

Discover the lives of all 6 children that Queen Nefertiti was mother to, and the fate of the sisters of Tutankamun.

Expedition Egypt

Expedition Egypt

We explore an unexcavated tomb in Saqqara, and some of Egypts most famous sites. Come with us to Abu Simbel, the Valley of the Kings and Queens (and some places never before filmed)!

The Egyptian Cat Goddess

The Egyptian Cat Goddess

Explore the ancient forgotten city of the cat, high up in the nile delta, Bubastis. A city that was written about by many ancient historians as a feminine stronghold.

The Daughters of Tutankhamun

The Daughters of Tutankhamun

Tut and his wife Ankhesenamun had a deep love, evident from the images we see of them together. They tried to continue their family line, resulting in the divesting outcome of 2 stillborn children.

Secrets of Giza

Secrets of Giza

From the overlooked tombs deep below ground, to the pyramids and sphinx, we explore the entire surface of the Giza Plateau to better understand its history and the people who constructed its wonders.

Ancient Egyptian Family Feud

Ancient Egyptian Family Feud

How did a female pharaoh and a young king bring about the final days of the Ramesside family? We investigate the end of Egypts largest family and the legacy of Ramses.

The Crocodile Princess

The Crocodile Princess

Ancient Egypts first recorded female pharaoh was Sobekneferu, however, she has rarely been given that distinction. Discover how she became a ruler in a mans world.

Tutankhamuns Great Grandparents: Tuya and Yuya

Tutankhamuns Great Grandparents: Tuya and Yuya

Before the discovery of King Tuts tomb, there was Tuya and Yuya, but why were these non-royals buried in the valley of the kings in Egypt?

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